Evangelist Titus was born as Bilas Halder in 1994 as the oldest son of a pastor.
At the age of 15 he gave his life to Jesus and was baptized. While attending university in 2017, while he was studying the Great Commission, he felt God called him to ministry. He began ministering to the children at his father’s church, with 25 children in his group.
A year later he expanded to full-time ministry and to conducting “programs” in villages around his home. As time has passed, he has expanded further and further to receptive villages in a mostly Muslim country.
Now he ministers to more than 1000 children per month and approximately 100 Youth. Many of them have accepted Jesus as their God and Savior, despite their parent’s beliefs. Statistics show that 83% of all Christians make their first commitment to Jesus before the age of 15.
In 2022 New Life Ministry started two Christian Schools. Each school has about 25 children who are discipled 6 days a week to see all of life from God's point of view. As they are taugh daily to love Jesus we not only change their life but affect their eternity.
The Home page gives more details on exactly what Evangelist Titus does with his time. But every day is spent studying the Bible, going to villages to arrange programs, or going and meeting with the children to teach them and encourage them.
He named the ministry New Life Ministry because his primary message is “we must be born again.” Almost all the kids he ministers to, with the exception of a Sunday School Program he does monthly, are from non-Christian homes. The great news is that many of these children and Youth now confess Jesus as their God and as their Savior.
In 2019 Titus was given a bike to make it easier for him to travel to distant villages. He has also had donated to him both children’s bibles and adult bibles for distribution to the children, youth, and even adults.
The vision for the future that Titus is working toward is being able to train other young men and women to go out and do the exact same thing he is doing. His heart is for all of Bangladesh and even beyond. What if every village in the country had an evangelist coming every month to teach the children about Jesus?
While the cost of New Life Ministry is far lower than it would be in some countries, it does rely on donations to be able to minister to the children. Even a small monthly commitment can mean you will have credit in heaven for many souls coming to know Jesus.
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