The Bible promises than if we train a child in the ways of God, as he is growing old he will continue in that Way.
This speaks of constant training, long and continuous. And at the core of this training is the gospel of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus.
Most of the children we minister to are from Muslim families. To truly disciple them will take more than a monthly program.
n 2022 titus felt lead by God to start our first Christian school. He found a Pastor to be the teacher and the church building became our school. He enrolled 25 children and they began training in academic and Biblical training, six days a week, tosee all of life from God's point of view..
Later in the year New Life Ministry started School #2 with a pastor's wife as teacher, meeting in another church. We realized their is no greater way to evangelize children, and then to disciple them also, than in a Christian School. Or goal became to start many christian Schools throughout Banfladesh.
If you want to help, we prepared a special page with more information on helping to add more christian Schools.